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  • #169647
    Rebecca Dawson

    Welcome to this community space! This sphere is designed to ignite wisdom, Agreement, resonance and support for the incredible shift we as Humanity are experiencing, with personally and collectively.

    Here are a few guidelines to ensure we maintain the integrity of our community creations:

    * Be kind and embrace the views of others, whether or not you share the same view. Differences in perspective can come together to create whole new views of reality. That’s why we come together as a community!

    * Respect the privacy of our community members, as we are here to expose the nature of truth, and sometimes that means exposing ourselves. Its OK to share wisdom that you discover here with your loved ones, but please do not share details that identify any of our community beyond this space.

    * No self-promotion or advertising/marketing of any kind. This is a space for exploration and diving more deeply into the wisdom of The Masters and YourSelves.

    * If you have a particular topic or question you would like to explore, please check to see if it is already a topic of discussion that you can contribute to before you begin a new conversation.

    Thank you for bringing your divine attention to this space 🙂

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